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Report running issue

6 replies [Last post]
Marc Timberlake
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Hi all,

probably more aimed at P6 administrators...

I've been using P6 for monthly reporting for a long time now. Simple process of opening all relevant plans, then runnning a saved reort to output remaining early units by Activity ID. This month, all has gone wrong, but nobody has altered the reports at all. No matter what I do, P6 assumes I had dozens of other plans open (even if I only have one open at the time), and also won't output activity IDs.

Usual format is:

    C0101M.001  Procurement
       Material expenditure only
    INFL.Bal  Balance of Inflation - Escalation
    C0101M.003  Procurement For Fixtures and Fittings (needs Parts list from Design)
       Material expenditure only
    C0101M.005  Procurement For Manufacture
       Material expenditure only


But now it's outputting as:

    (12345)  (Project Title)
       Material expenditure only

Any ideas befor eI ask our IT guys to remove and reinstall? Other users can run reports absolutely fine!




Zoltan Palffy
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glad you figured it out thanks for sharing the solution

Marc Timberlake
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Problem resolved!

It was related to temp files within my Windows profile. Deleted PM.ini, reconnected to database and all sorted.

Marc Timberlake
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Thanks for replies!


David - Not sure how I could do that without affecting other users? Do I have a user specific set of summaries that can be deleted?


Zoltan - thanks for the tip! It's an SQL database, so makes sense. What's the command that I would need to run to close? 

Marc Timberlake
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Edit: apologies, duplicate reply!

Zoltan Palffy
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are you running Microsoft SQL or the oracel database

you might have to run a SQL command to close all projects

David Kelly
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Gasp. Have you tied deleting all summary data and re-running?