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Problem of Too many FS Relations

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rauf kensuk
User offline. Last seen 2 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 28 Dec 2019
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Project: Typical Residence House Project I am preparing a schedule of residence project. Construction contains 17 Blocks and each block has approx. 11 floors. So that too many activities and it s about to get 11.000 activites.  Even i don't want but i use too many "FS relationships" in order to hang the activities in timeline and I know it will cause too many Out-Of-Seqeunce ("OOS").  1st Floor >>FS>> 2nd Floor >>FS>> 3rd Floor In practical 2nd floor may start without waiting for finishing 1st Floor and that cause "OOS" To avoid that i m thinking to use 1st Floor >>SS and FF and + LAG: 1st Floor Duration >> 2nd Floor. If 2nd floor starts before finishing 1 st Floor, it will cause a gap as 1st Floor Remaining duration for 2nd Floor activity but not OOS, I think.  Doing SS + FF + Lag, what else may it cause a problem that I can't imagine ?

Thanks in advance