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Earned Value / Baseline Issue

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WI Planning
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Hello all.

I have noticed an issue with earned value labor units changing depending on what baseline is assigned to a project.  It seems to me that P6 is not including earned value labor units for activities which were not created at the point of taking an assigned baseline.

For example, 

Baseline 1 taken on 14th Feb 2020

Activity X added on 20th Feb 2020 (100 hours budgeted labor units and set to 100% complete)

Baseline 2 taken on 21st Feb 2020

My Earned Value Labour Units for Activitiy X equates to 100 hours with Baseline 2 Assigned as my project baseline, which is great.  However when i assign Baseline 1 as my project Baseline the earned hours for Activity X revert to zero, as if P6 calc is ignoring any hours earned against activities not included in my assigned project baseline.

My earned value calculation within P6 Admin Preferences is "Budgeted values with Current Dates", which to my mind is correct.  Similarly on the Project settings my "Baseline for earned value calculations" is the Project Baseline, which to my mind is also correct.

My Earned Value Labor units should remain static regardless of what basleine i have assigned.  Does anyone know what my issue is here or how indeed i can fix it?  

Many thanks





Zhang Haixiang
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EV is the budgeted cost for work performed = budget cost  x  n%

P6 take the budget from the assigned baseline, since activity X is not in baseline 1 , so there is no budget for activity X.

that is why P6 did not calculate the EV for activity X

Rashid Iqbal
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P6 will calcualte EV based on what is selected under 'Assign Basline' menu.

1. if current project is selected then EV of Activity X will be calcualted.

2. if 'Baseline project is selected then EV of Activity will be zero


Rashid Iqbal
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P6 will calcualte EV based on what is selected under 'Assign Basline' menu.

1. if current project is selected then EV of Activity X will be calcualted.

2. if 'Baseline project is selected then EV of Activity will be zero