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Primavera Layout - Information fetch

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pulkit verma
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Hello Folks,

Scenario - There are many UDFs used in different Layout. (Total Layout-2000+)

User has discountinue 2 UDF and now they want to know in which layout this UDF is getting used. Is there any way to find out from backend because checking one by one is not a acceptable choice.

Table - Viewprop I can see the layout name but further more how to check there colomn or through UDF name/ID if there is way let me know.

DB - Oracle

Primavera-  Version 15.2

It will be great if someone provide me possitive response


Santosh Bhat
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Zoltan, I think the question is about understanding which *layouts* use the UDFs rather than which UDF's are in use.

You'll need to determine the UDF ID first, and the easiest way to do this is to assign an activity with values against those UDF's and then export to XLS, the exported XLS will indicate the UDF ID in the frist hearder row of the data.

From there you'll have to match that ID against the layout table.

Zoltan Palffy
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you will have to run this query 

Query to determine which User Defined Values (UDFs) are not assigned values and not in use: select table_name as Subject_Area, udf_type_label as UDF_Namefrom UDFTYPE uwhere not EXISTS (select * from UDFVALUE uv where (uv.udf_type_id = u.udf_type_id))