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Same resource - but different pay rates

3 replies [Last post]
J Ram
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Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum as well as new to Primavera P6. My question is regarding assigning different rates for the same resource. So let's say we have a job starting on June 1st, 2019 for an Outside Machinist at a rate of $58 / hour, but we also have the same Outside Machinist working on another job on June 1st, 2019 but at a different rate of $60 / hour. Is there a way to incorporate this onto a schedule to reflect it's budgeted labor cost or is there an alternate way? The reason why I'm trying to do this is because I want to have a Master Schedule that shows all work and the resources assigned, but the same resource works at different rates.


Thanks for the help!


J Ram
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Thank you both the help. I'll mess with a few things and hopefully this solves what I need.

Rafael Davila
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Raymund de Laza
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Set the Effective Dates and Time for each Rate in the Units & Prices Tab of the Resources.