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Keeping track of your project progress

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Vivien Goldstrong
User offline. Last seen 5 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Dec 2017
Posts: 5

Hi all,

My name is Vivien and i would like to open a discusion on the best and most efficient practices for keeping track of your projects.

Many of us are dealing with complex, large, distributed projects and it is often very hard to keep a track on what every project participant is doing and what's the status of project activities at certain points of the project life cycle. 

Therefore i would like to propose this effective solution as one of the many ways to dealing with this challange.

For the ones who aren't already aware there are solutions on the market such as PrimaveraReader, that allow you to independently view project schedules created in Primavera P6.

This allows you to limit the usage of the expensive Primavera P6 to only essential personal, and gives you the opportunity to equip every other project participant with this new tool. There are many benefits why companies are incorporating this approach and restructuring their project workflows and operation procedures, and one of them is the efficient way of keeping track of project progress. 

Did you know that with PrimaveraReader you empower your team members by sharing the project schedule with them, instead of just sending them PDF or Excell instructions and through the Progress Update feature also allow them to assist you in keeping track of their assigned activities?

Using the Progress Update feature, they can propose Activity and Assignment status feedback on their assigned tasks and send them directly to you for reviewal and updates in the main project schedule file. This ensures information about project and activity status is always accurate, as it is updated by the person who is in direct contact with the activity. It also saves you a valueble time and allows you to focus on the more important aspects regarding the project. 

Practical, dont you agree?

What is your way of keeping track of your projects status?

Edit; ScheduleReader™ (previously PrimaveraReader™) has been rebranded, please see