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Make a Report based on Manhours and Material allocated into Projects

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Jerrin Jerrin
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The requirement of my one year project is to prepare a report based upon the manhours and Materials. The progresss should be shown based on that only. I have assigned Manhours of and Non material resource into each activity of the project. I need the output from that, Please explain to me to obtain output of Manhours as well as Non material progress updation and results. They also want result in such a way that 40 percent weightage on manhours and 60 percentage based on Material resource progress. If the output can't be shown in primavera tell me how to make that in excel from primavera values. Please help. (Cost calculation is not required).


Zoltan Palffy
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  1. Choose Project, Activities.

  2. Click the Layout Options bar, then choose Columns.

  3. In the Available Options list, select Est. Weight from the General category, 

  4. For each activity, type a weight in the Est Weight column.

Jerrin Jerrin
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Is it possible to add weightage as mention?

Jerrin Jerrin
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How can we group that?


Can we obtain S curve based on both?

Jerrin Jerrin
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How can we group that?


Can we obtain S curve based on both?

Zoltan Palffy
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view show on bottom resource usage profile the pick your labor resource or your mnon labor resource


add a column budgted labor units and budgted non labor units and then group and select show grand totals