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P6 comparing roles budgeted units with units of resources available

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Gema Arenas
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Good afternoon,

I am trying to find a way where I can assign roles to all the activities in my different projects and do a comparison or perform a gap analysis of the resources available for each role.

The idea is that we can have a look ahead of which week we will be low on resources in comparison to the roles you have budgeted for.

I have found the below steps from another forum which look ideal, but apart from OBS I cannot find how to re-create the idea in P6, unless I am using a different version. Or is it simply allocating the resources to the roles, but then how could I do the gap analysis?

Step 1:
Build Role Breakdown Structure (RBS) - Unstaffed Units in P6
Step 2:
Build Resource Dictionary - Staffed Units in P6
Step 3:
Assign Role to Tasks
Step 4:
Assign available Resources to Roles assigned
Step 5:
Perform GAP analysis using Role Assignment View
Staff vs Unstaffed Profile
Step 6:
Perform Resource Capacity Analysis using Resource Assignment View
Staffed/Resource compared to allocated Limit

I hope I am making sense. Any ideas or guidance would be much appreciated.


Zoltan Palffy
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these steps appear to be correct what is not working  ? have you set your role limits  ?