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PDF writer not filling print area from P6

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John Turner
User offline. Last seen 5 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Feb 2017
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Hi all,

I am trying to create some PDF prints of a programme from P6 16.2 and when setting up a print for A3 and printing via pdf writer (i have tried Microsoft to PDF, CutePDF Writer and DORO) the writer is not filling the print area. When in the print preview screen the print area is filled but when I open the printed PDFs the print area is only about 2/3 full. This is the same across all the different PDF writers I have tried. I have not yet tried printing to paper as this is a new P6 set up and my printer is currently out of action.

The problem also seems to be exclusive to P6 as the print area is filled in Microsoft project and Excel when I've tried those to rule out where the problem is coming from. 

Even when printing to A4 the print area is not filled. Any ideas anyone? :)

Thanks in advance