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Partial Workloads

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Rafael Davila
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Posts: 5241
  • We define Workloadas as the percentage of time a resource is uniformly distributed throughout team execution. If less than 100% we call it Partial Workload.  It is very common when sharing resources such as a tower crane in building construction.
  • I am exploring how P6 users would model the following scenario and what are the resource leveld schedule results.  Please provide enough information and images for other users of P6 to validate the model.

Partial Workloads photo Partial Workloads_zpsz15kqe2k.png


Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 5241

By using a Microsot Project Web Demo this is what I got after resource leveling.

MSP Resource Quantity and Workloads photo MSP Resource QampWL_zpsxmbijlww.png

I am still looking for same scenario P6 model .