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Disadvantages of P6 EPPM. HELP!!!

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Tom Tom
User offline. Last seen 6 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Aug 2014
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My company is in the process of migrating our primavera product from the desktop version to the web version (EPPM). We do a lot of our project for USACE and they usually require us to convert our XER file into SDEF format. With P6 pro, we had no problem as P6 pro is capable of producing all the required formats. The problem is with the web version. Web version does not support XER file format and it doesn’t support SDEF. I know we can use a P6 pro to connect to EPPM database and export the file but that defeat the purpose of what we are trying to do. We want everyone to use the web version and gradually phase out P6 pro. It is going to complicate our licensing if we all everyone to use both P6 pro and EPPM.

   I have being reading about the UN/CEFACT XML format but I don’t have the full grasp of it yet. Also, I am not sure yet if USACE is currently allowing that format because all our contracts specified SDEF format. Can someone point me in the right direction? Any help or recommendation will be highly appreciated.