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Default Units/Time

16 replies [Last post]
moutaz aldeib
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Hi Planners,

A labor resources called Project Manager was assigned to more than one activitiy in the schedule, by mistake instead of enetring 8 hrs as a default units/time I enetred another figure, I detected this mistake when I explored the Resource Usage Profile. Though I changed the default units/time in the resource screen, P6 does not change the budget units for this resource for each assigned activity, so I had to change the budget units manually, is there a way that the budget units changes automatically once the default units/time changes?




Zoltan Palffy
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of course it works you just have to follow my instructions

moutaz aldeib
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Thanks Zoltan and Rafeal, it works Zoltan.



Rafael Davila
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Zoltan Palffy
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it does exist I think that you missed the 1st step which is important 


under select sublect area make sure to select Activity Resource Assignments



moutaz aldeib
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Thanks Zoltan, but the parameter budget unit/time does not exist even remaining unit.



Zoltan Palffy
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1- Using Global Change (Could you provide me with the formula)

under select sublect area make sure to select Activity Resource Assignments

if                                      parameter                    is              value

Where                                resource id name          equals      (put name of your resource)

Then                                  parameter                   is              value 

                                    Budgeted Units / Time      =              (click on custom) then 8.00/d

then right hand side click change               


2- Changing the degault/units for that resource and remove it from the activities they are assigned to, then reassigne it again. (This method was applied successfully)

Of course it was 

3- User Defined Field (UDF) (could you explain how?)

I would NOT recommend using this method becase its is not a common field used for calculating values.

moutaz aldeib
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Thanks a lot Rafeal and Zoltan for your answers,

As a summary to solve this problem, the followings solutions can be considered:

1- Using Global Change (Could you provide me with the formula)

2- Changing the degault/units for that resource and remove it from the activities they are assigned to, then reassigne it again. (This method was applied successfully)

3- User Defined Field (UDF) (could you explain how?)



Rafael Davila
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Another approach you might also consider is creating User Defined Field [UDF] to store your budgets at different stages.  in this way all will be accessible from the same file without need to look for multiple baselines.   Good for simple comparison reports that span multiple budget revisions.

Original activity duration is another one you can consider locking on a UDF for easy access.

Zoltan Palffy
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the default units/time that were in effect at the time that you assigned the resource to the activity remain in effect until you either manually change them on the activity resource or you use a global change them.

if you have changed your units/time for that resource in the resource directory then if you were to remove the resource from the activity and then re-assign the resource to the activity again then it would use the NEW units/time.

so remember that an activity will use the resources units/time that are in effect at the time the resource was assigned to the activity. Simply changing the default units/time on a resource will NOT change the units/time on the resources that have already been assigned to the activity. 

its like what happend in Vegas stays in Vegas. 


Rafael Davila
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Have you considered using Global Change to re-calculate Budget using the formula? Maybe a conditional Global Change to be applied to a specific project, to a specific resource.  Will it do the trick on P6?



Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Moutaz

Yes, the initial assignment of labor units is the duration of the activity multiplied by the default units/time. This gives you an starting point for the further development of the schedule. The further scheduling efforts may lead to other then the original assignments. Maybe in your schedule you have one resource for one project, but image what happens that you have the same resource in an Portfolio. Would you like that the system will change all assignments?  

Regards Johannes

moutaz aldeib
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Hi Johannes,

the resource is assigned for one project and it is not logic to change the budget units manually for all activities assigned to that resource, it might be a better way.

As the budget units calculated automatically once the default units entered, it should be automatically calculated once the units are changed.



moutaz aldeib
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Hi Johannes,

the resource is assigned for one project and it is not logic to change the budget units manually for all activities assigned to that resource, it might be a better way.

As the budget units calculated automatically once the default units entered, it should be automatically calculated once the units are changed.



Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Moutaz

Automatically changing the budget units when changing the units/time is not a good solution. Note that the resources may be used by more then one project and they would then change for all other projects.

Regards Johannes 

moutaz aldeib
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Thanks a lot Rfeal for your contribution but it is not the same I am looking for.

Can anyone give us an answer?



Rafael Davila
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I do not use P6 but at times import schedules from it so I look to understand P6 even when I do not have it, Units/Time is to us similar but not equal to partial workload, our default is 100% but is not unusual you need it to be less. 

I hope the following might be of help.

Working with Duration Types

Duration type options

Duration type determines whether the schedule, resource availability, or cost is most inflexible when calculations are performed to reflect activity progress. Duration type affects update calculations only when resources are assigned to an activity.

Choose a duration type based on which factor is the most important, or least flexible, in planning your project.

  • If schedule is most important, choose Fixed Duration and Units/Time or Fixed Duration and Units.
  • If resource availability is most important, choose Fixed Units/Time.
  • If total work effort or fixed costs are most important, choose Fixed Units.