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Running P6 V7 and 8 on same laptop

4 replies [Last post]
Steve Eiden
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Greetings all

Was wondering if anyone has installed a standalone P6 V8 onto a laptop with V7 on it (including 12-14 DB). I need to be on V8 for some clients but still have open contracts on a dozen projects where I would like to stay in V7. Oracle says they understand it can be done but frown on support for it from a business standpoint. Seems like an odd viewpoint.




Heping Xiao
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1. If you have installed V7, please unistall it.

2. Install V8 first,if installed v8, please keep it.

3. Install V7


That's all




Raphael M. Dua
User offline. Last seen 28 weeks 4 days ago. Offline

Now running Primavera P6 V7, V8.2 and 8.3, MS project 2007, 2010, 2013 and Micro Planner X-Pert in Multiple VM's using VM Wares Player on a single HP ProBook 4320s and a MAC Book Pro under Maverick and Parallels

All you need is legitimate copies of Win 7.1 32 pro for each VM

Zoltan Palffy
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the other option is to runvirtual windows xp there you can also run p6 in 32 byte mode


Raphael M. Dua
User offline. Last seen 28 weeks 4 days ago. Offline



I do exactly that, in fact I also have P3 on the same laptop

There are a couple of ways you can achieve this

You need to have VM software on your laptop, ie Oracle Virtual Box and VM ware Player as well as you usual Win environment

In both oOracle Box and VM ware you will need legal licences of the Win OS you want

I have XP, Win 7.1 PRO 32bit and Win 8.1 32 bit in different of VM's

Once havong set the VM's up you run the VM as a normal laptop and install the version of P6 that you want.

I am uccessfully doing this on my HP Probook and on my MAC Probook with Parallels for the VM software


Works just great

