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Exporting to Ver. 6.0 version Problem

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Joel John Ulep
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I an using Oracle P6 ver. 7.2 and exporting it PM ver. 6.0 since my laptop has the lower version. With all the setting the same, the Resource Budgeted Units differs when import and opened it to PM ver. 6.

The difference is more than 30,000 units. 

Can you please advise how it should be properly done or is it a occurance when lowering the version? When I am thinking that shouldn't be the case. Please HELP!!!


Jehad Aldaoud PMP...
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i think you insert more than one resources on each activitiy , i have idea 4 you to solve the problem , export the resources sepertaily on excel from v 7.2 to v 6.0 



Rangarajan Ramaswamy
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Joel, just add 1 dummy activity with 7 days duration in P7 and import it to P6 and tell the duration it shows.

I think then we can fugure out the problem easily.

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I'm  not really sure what might have happened but i bet you have to check your Calender properly. In this kind of situation, You have to check both the working days & hours. it changes duration if the hours are not the same in the calendar.

More so, i'll advise you to re-import the program but before you do that, kindly delete all the informations of the one you already imported both the calendar and make sure the new program you want to import doesn't have any calendar name relating to where you're importing it too.


i hope this helps


Joel John Ulep
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The Duration of each activity is more in version 6. I had check the calendar and it is the same as in the version 7 which accounts for the difference.