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Different Total Float importing same .XER in two different computers

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Natalia Barroso
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Last week I sent a .XER file and a PDF of the schedule to my Client,  yesterday Client call me arguing that the critical path was different in PDF from P6, after a few hours we realized that the problem is that in his computer the total float of the activities is different to the ones I have in mine. I imported the same file in a stand alone database and the total float remains the same that I have in my Company database. Does anyone has have this problem before?.





Zoltan Palffy
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check the calendars see if you are using the default calendar and see if the default calendars are the same .

Hossam Kouta
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i have the same issue any one find a solution 

Hossam Kouta
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i have the same issue any one find a solution 

Zoltan Palffy
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1. go to admin then admin perferences and make sure that the time periods are the same the default is 

8.0 40.0 172.0 and 2000.0

2. if they are the same make sure that when you are importing the xer fle that during the import that you mofdify the import oprion and bring in the calendars. 

3. also when you schedule the project make sure that you are both using the same scheduling options should be reatained logic.

4. turn your TIMES (edit, Users Preferences,Dates,Time) on make sure that the data date TIME is the same.

Rafael Davila
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Perhaps using multiple databases can help keep control of the situation on the issues that seems keep piling up.

Someone must keep control of the pack and play the portfolio leader, each client shall be the leader of his own portfolio. In this way when having multiple portfolios and clients you will be able to meet their individual needs.

I do not believe use of multiple databases will completely eliminate the issues but might be better than total chaos.

Ahmed KHR
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Natalia, Did you find a solution to your issue? If yes plz share how you fix that.
Ahmed KHR
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Thank you Mike and Ronald.
Kannan CP
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Regardless of the Global or Project Cal, export the file and importing it to another computer will display it. Every month I am forwarding my P6 file to client which has a global calendar.



Ronald Winter
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There is also the issue of the Hours to Days conversion factor.  That can be set in two different places, depending on the system setting.  The conversion factors must be the same in both computers for the durations and total float to match.

Mike Testro
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Hi Ahmed

In P6 there are Global calendars and Project Specific Calendars.

If you export a project with a global calendar it will not be picked up on the other computer.

Just one of the joys of working with P6.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Ahmed KHR
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Hi Natalia,

It could be calander (Not the same one), or scheduling option, longest path or total float.

Actually our consultant don't get the same calender when he import our files and I don't know why????



