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Restoring baseline - not working!!

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Sarah Sargeant
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I am re-baselining a project and coming upo against no end of issues with it. Only some activities in the baseline need to be changed hence why I am updating and not creating a new baseline. BUT P6 seems to lose a lot of the activities after the baseline has been restored for some reason.


These are the actions I am taking;


  1. I restored the original contract baseline from my project in order to make a copy and amend it then apply it as the new baseline.
  2. I added a baseline to my live project by re-installing my original contract baseline to test it and all was the same.
  3. I then went into the baseline copies that I had made in the enterprise node and checked that there were a full complement of activities and there were so it had obviously restored correctly.
  4. I then returned to my live plan and added the copied projects as baselines.
  5. When I assigned them as the project baseline the majority of the baseline activities were missing. Always the same activities and all copies were the same. 

I cannot find any reason for this to be the case there is no reason, no filters and I am using a default view.


Please help! I have no idea why the activities are not copying over to a baseline. Im hoping its a very simple answer! :-)


Thanks in advance


Raymund de Laza
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Sarah, Baseline project's activities and live projects's activities shall have the same activity ID's in order that baseline data will be available in the live project with assigned subject baseline. Regards,
Rafael Davila
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Some software are not capable of displaying activities on the baseline absent on current project.  If this is the case with P6 and you added some activities to the Baseline but not to Current Project [or deleted some activities on Current Schedule that were on Baseline Schedule] they will not be shown.  

Maybe P6 Digger could help you identify activities in one version but not in the other.

What Neil said about activity ID is very important, this also means that if you re-use a deleted activity ID it might create problems with future comparisons.

Neil Hendry
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Just a thought, make sure you haven't changed your activity IDs as these are what link your baseline & main project activities - i.e they must match.  Other than that I'm not sure what has happened.

Hope you sort it 
