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Setting up multiproject in OPE

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Radek Slanina
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Hello all Planning Planet friends!

Do you have any experience with setting up an multiproject in OPE? I have many OPE project, which I have to "put together" to multiproject file. Each of them has correctly set up start and finish date in project dates, but when i insert them into one file as external subproject and I run the time analysis with date now set to the oldest start date from all subproject all projects start dates changes to this date. Can you help me? How is it possible to solve this issue?

Thank you for your help.


Hermie LaO
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Hi Rodek,

After you combine the different projects into 1 master project, open the master project and for each external sub-project, add a constraint for each of the sub-project constraining the Start and Finish date. What this does is lock the start and finish date for this external sub-project.

Afte this you can time analyze.

The beauty of this, is that you can assign access rights to the external sub-project so that others can manage these sub-projects, while at your level you can see all of the rollups at master level.


Bill Guthrie
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Suggest you try primavra .3win
easy as a breeze. Thats why everyone is using p3 }}}}

cheers bill