Formula editor shows error with correct formula Greetings. I am writing for the following reason, my copy of MS Project fails when trying to add a formula in a numeric custom field specifically the "Number 2". I tried several times without achieving anything, even modifying the original formula. These are the formulas IIf ([Job] <> 0 | Format ([Actual Job] / [Job] | "0.00%") | "0.00%")IIf ([Work]> 0 | ([Actual Work] / [Work]) * 100 | 0) These are the names of the fields in Spanish, what they do is calculate the executed work with decimals, since project only shows integers. The error MS Project indicates is always in the first PIPE from left to right. I opened a previous file that had one of these formulas included and it works, but when opening the formula and clicking OK, the same error appears ... although the formula works in the file until the editor is opened. Captures of the error are attached ... I appreciate someone tell me that it may be happening, or if it is an additional configuration of the S.O.
Thank you