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MSP 2012

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steve soulsby
User offline. Last seen 12 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2012
Posts: 4
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Hi all,

i have a couple quick questions.

ill explain what im after then maybe you could point me in the right direction as to where i am going wrong.........

basically i have a programme set up with fixed costs, resource costs and timescales - everything you would expect. when i come to update my project with actuals i would like to keep the  actual activity durations and incurred costs as something completely different.

i want to simply have the activitys and the associated costs as programmed totally seperate to stop it messing up my actuals? does this make sense?

for example - i have site supervision as an activity with 100 man hours spread over three resources. when i update the projects status percent complete to say 50%. 50 man hours has been automatically calculated? - with disregard to what they have actually done - for which i want to input seperately, i want to be able to progress the activity but without the incured cost of hours associated.

i think i have missed a fundamental  here when i have set up each of the activities with regards to how i am wanting to record my costs........

hope im making sense


