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Percents by time of duration

2 replies [Last post]
Jhorbam Baena Orozco
User offline. Last seen 2 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi everyone

I have the work to do the control sheet or work plan from a existent program of construction...but that program is a global contract and the activities don’t have a especific value..only contain the activitie, duration and conecctions between activities...the basics...and that is the result of the kind of contract who have a constant variation in the enginner.

Weel, to calculate the percent value of a activitie i used the duration of the activitie dividing the same into the total of the duration of the construction program.

But that method have various problem, but first take a look of the macro estructure of the programm in project.


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Like can you see, the activities and durations, have a 125 days of total duration, but that not fix into the percent values...cause only one activitie have the total duration of the program having hse only the 100% total ..and the others activities are contain into the days of duration of this activitie...and when i make the sum of the principal percents...they are over the 100%.

Can someone help me in my problem tell me how i can fix it or show me a example to use?



Jhorbam Baena Orozco
User offline. Last seen 2 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Trevor.

Yes you are program only have the activities, the duration, the relationships and the resources but don’t have the cost...that last, but the price of the contract is global...

So, i tried to use excel to get the percent value of each activitie based in the duration of the same...on friend tell me the follow..."you can use the sum of the duration of all activities...if project show you 125 days...and you get 235 days but the sum don’t worry...cause that is the number of day to complete the project...but you have to take present something...some activities have duration underhand one over one..."

This is real?...

Trevor Rabey
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I tried to see your picture on imageshack but could not.
Also, I am not sure that I understand from your description exactly what your problem/issue is.
However, I will try to figure it out.
So you have no resources and no costs assigned to the tasks.
You attempt to calculate something called "percent value" which is the duration of a task divided by the total duration of the project.
But of course this does not work, or at least does not produce anything which means something or is useful.
A simple example might be 100 one-day tasks all happening on day 1 of the project. The total duration is just 1 day and the duration of one task divided by one day is 1 (or 100%) and the sum of the percents is 100 x 100% = 10,000%.
What does it mean? Nothing, really.
Have you tried assigning a resource to the tasks?
You could call it "One Day", and give it a cost of $1/Day.
Then you would have cumulative Work or cumulative Cost as a proxy of cumulative days.