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row height

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mukunda y
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How can adjust the row height in MSP?
is it possible to insert the text box in gnatt chart?


Darren Kosa
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Hi Mukunda,

Further to the answer supplied by Rubas, you can also adjust the row height much the same as you would in Excel.

Select the row, move the cursor over to the ID column on the left-hand side of the Task Entry table until it changes to a double ended arrow with a line through the middle of it. Then just left-click on the horizontal separator and drag the mouse down until you reach the desired height.

Alternatively you can also change the font size of the task description, as this is how the minimum row height is determined.


Rubas M. Kutty
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Hi Mukunda

For adjusting row height:
Right click on the gantt chart>Layout>Bar Height. The maximum bar height is 24. However if you need to further increase the row height, you can do so by increasing the font size (and then hide it)

It is possible to insert the text box by View>Toolbars>Drawing & then by dragging the text box onto the gantt chart. You can then position this text box by right clicking on Text Box>Properties>Size & Position. You’ve the option to attach this either with the Timescale or any specific Task.

Kind regards
