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Links between multiple projects

7 replies [Last post]
Bob Foden
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Hello all. I’m a virgin to the site so bear with me if I contravene any protocols.

The problem I have is that my client does not want to invest in MSP Server but I have to manage a number of separate plans. These have logic links between them. When I make a change to a plan name (ie revision update) I then lose the links (not unsurprisingly). Is there a way to get MSP to easily recognise the changes or, preferably automatically make them ?




Bob Foden
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Thanks for that. It pretty much mirrors what I’ve ended up doing so at least I now have some confidence that I’ve got the best (?) solution.

Tony McClennon
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On one of our programmes, we have the same issue.

What I have done is to ensure that the sub-projects always keeps the same file name (e.g. ProjectXXXX_Master.mpp) and is stored in the same location. At issue, it is given an issue and revision reference (e.g. Issue 01 Rev 01) but only within the header or footer, not in the file name.

When the schedule is updated, first of all the user saves a copy of the file as ProjectXXXX_Iss01_Rev01.mpp, which effectively gives an archive copy. The Master file then has it’s header updated to show Issue 01 Rev 02 (or whatever convention is used).

In this way, each issue of the schedule can be identified by it’s unique Issue/Revision reference, whilst the links from the master schedule will always link to the file named ProjectXXXX_Master.mpp.

Hope this is of help.
Nicolas Igersheim
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Hi all,

Further to what Alexandre suggests

I would open and "save as" using always the same
name and location each and every project.
this way links should not be broken

Bob Foden
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Thanks for your response. Each plan has a separate owner and they amend their own plans so I want to restrict each plan to just their relevant content.

Stephen Grady
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Hi Bob,

Might I suggest convincing your client to purchase Primavera?

There are enterprise packages available which would eliminate the problem of loosing your logic links and enable you to successfully manage multiple projects from a single enterprise.

Failing this, good luck with your quest for a solution within MSP.

