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Optimum activity numbers in project for best schedule

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Kutluhan ERGIN
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i m working Engineering Management and Consulting Services and we are consulting iron and steel works companies modernization projects.

we have scheduled all projects with ms project and when i finished schedule of a modernization project. approximately i have 4000 or 5000 activity in my schedule.
i m sure that, too many activities are not focusing the critical path cause of many kind of different works in a project.

i’ve seperated civil construction works, mechanical erection works, bidding and procurement works and electrical-automation works from my first schedule, and i wanna assamble one master schedule from these programs but i cant use the external task or ghost.

anyone have a idea about optimum activity numbers for the best critical path or what is the optimum detail for a project


Niek Zonneveld
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What is the average size of your activities?

Don’t forget that you need to update the schedule and recalculate the critical path after the remaining work is rescheduled. This effort can exceed your weekly/monthly update capacity if the activities are very small.
