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MSP Calendars (Deletion)

2 replies [Last post]
Shamas Ibrahim
User offline. Last seen 6 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Can somebody please can tell me how you can delete a Calendar in MSP.
I am at present helping a trainee and he has gone and created a quite a few calendars and then asked me how you delete them a trainer’s worst nightmare, when you can give the person you are training a sensible or correct answer.


Shamas Ibrahim
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Thanks for your help. Its all coming back to me. I tend to use P3e more and its been a while since I have used Projects. Thnakyou.
James Griffiths
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Hi Ibrahim,

You can delete the calendars by:

Tools>Organiser>Calendars. The window on the right-hand-side will list all the calendars that you have in that particular project. Just highlight one or more and then click on the "Delete" icon in the middle of the window.
