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Largest Project In MSP

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Gary France
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I am interested to understand what is the largest project currently being planned using MSP.

If you are using MSP can you advise how "big" is your project. I am not concerned with how the size is quantified - I just want to get an idea of what large projects are using MSP.

Gary France
Planning Engineers Organisation


Fannie CHOW
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Hi, all
Nice to meet you all here.
I felt painful to deal with numrous activities by MS Project. And I got the problem about conversion of MS project and P3.

I converted a programme from P3 to MS Project. However, the level of activities are changed and I have to check and establish them one by one, (do the one programme twice).

Anyone can share their experience and lighten me? Thanks in advance.
Will Russell
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Who said anything about it being slow, it depends on what machine you’re using.
Syed Naguib
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Well too big a file can really slow things down, try smaller sub files and use INSERT PROJECT, this way your files can be really "Big" without the memory slowing down.

Microsoft claims a I Million task ability, so far I’ve done up to 30k using 3 sub projects of about 10k each and the speed is quite fast.

Will Russell
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There are just over 8,200 lines, 437 resources, 26 custom fields, 95 custom filters and 4 custom tables used in 8 custom views.
I have been running this plan for 3 years now so some of the fields and filters were used at specific times for different reasons and are probably less used now.
Norzul Ibrahim
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How many task in the file?


Will Russell
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My project file is 26Mb, every week or so I save it as a an Access Database file and then resave it back as a MSProject file this normally reduces the size by a couple of Mb and makes it somewhat quicker getting the filters and views up.
Trevor Rabey
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MSP files are occasionally subject to "file bloat".
It can be fixed by re-saving the file as another name, I think.
There is a newsgroup, microsoft.public.project that can be found at Google Groups
and also via a news account in Outlook Express and also at

..where this topic is discussed.
John Hartman
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Has anyone encountered file size issues with MSP. I don’t think # of lines/tasks is a good determinate, since MS states you can have up to 1M tasks. If you cost/resource load your schedule and include detail (many filters/view/tables/resources/calendars), the size of the file will increase dramatically.

I currently have a schedule in MSP with 1200 tasks and it’s approaching 15MB. Curious to know if anyone has encountered a similar situation.

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Hi Gary,

What i experienced was a large project using MSP. The project was a 5 level basement with one tower 64 storey high and the other tower 49 storey high. Generally both towers were design similar to the CITIBANK tower in Hong Kong. The company i worked with was Kumagai Gumi, same contractor as the CITIbank tower in Hong Kong. The place is in Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Indonesia. The project was not completed due to change in leadership sometimes in 1998. The total number of activities was 35,000 and maybe it might go on till 60,000 activities.


Marcio Sampaio
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Gary France

I’d appreciate to know which are the intention of its research?

Kind regards

Marcio Eduardo
Marcio Sampaio
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I had already work with a project with 7500 lines.

Kind regards
Will Russell
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I’m the planning co-ordinator for the Diamond Light Source in Oxfordshire and the plan is currently at just over 8,000 lines, it covers specification, procurement, assembly and installation of most of the "machine".