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using ms project for proj mgmt, res alloc & time k

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Forum Guest
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Nope, I really am looking for a company or a PM contact who used MS Project in the following mentioned scenario, preferably in WI or IL. So we can get in touch with them, to see how the implementation was done, whats the best way to go about implementation etc.,. We are currently trying to implement a pilot using ms project for project mgmt, time keeping and resource allocation. I’m looking for some PM/ company who currently is using ms project for project mgmt, time keeping and resource allocation. So we can get some ideas from some one who implemented this monstrous mountain of problems. Where we are: A product company of size 120; we currently use ms project for our project plans; Our small projects are currently tracked through excel sheets coming off an internally developed application. We have ineffective time tracking application that we want to replace with ms project. What we have: We have multiple development projects, several small projects. We have dedicated resources and a pool of shared resources. We want to be able to make ms project our one stop shop for project management, time keeping and resource allocation. i.e., -     Track all the (shared and dedicated) resources time in ms project -     Pull the resources on to project plans based on the availability -     Do our resource allocation in ms project -     Attach the resources to project plan too


Alex Wong
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I guess lots of time people mix up with tools, method and people. Introduction of a tool not necessary cover the concept of Project Management. And if you are using MSP then good luck.
Ronald Winter
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This sounds like an ad for the Microsoft company. "We (naturally) picked a Microsoft product, set up a scenario for its use, and now expect everyone to discuss how to use it in the forum. This will generate awareness of our product."

Do you have a question, or did I guess right?