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What Can We Do About Charleston

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Mike Testro
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Fellow pp members.

Those of you who have read his threads will be aware that Chalreston-Joseph Orbe has a tendency to indulge in Racist Homophobic and Gender related insults on a regular basis.

Some of us have tried to tell him that his behaviour is not acceptable but he just intensifies his output.

He is regularly flouting most of the PP forum rules and in any other forum he would have been banned by now.

Should we continue to put up with him any longer?

Or should we ask PP Admin to cancell his access?

Please let us have your opinion.

Best regards

Mike Testro


Mike Testro
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Hi All

Having started this thread I beleive it has come to the correct conclusion.

Thank you all for your contributions.

We must now bw alert against him sneeking back in on another name.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Chris Oggham
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I completely agree with you. Even now Charlie can’t admit he was wrong and won’t apologise; why am I not surprised. I’m sure he will find it interesting on other forums where moderstors are active and I can’t help wondering how long it will be before he provokes another situation like this one.

Still, that’s his problem, and hopefully now Planning Planet can move forward to accreditation and a useful productive future.

Chris Oggham
Joel Gilbert
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Good ridence

Vamos com deus
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Dear All,

Mi Ultimi Adios to PLanning Planet.

I’m Leaving our beloved planet to pursue other forum.

I plan to venture towards project management forum. I did find one in the virtual world of internet. I do hope to find a lot of forum relating to project management.

In my quest for freedom, I hope I will find what I wanted till eternity.

In the true spirit of freedom, I will not apologies for my actions. I’m do aware I did some not in line with forum rules. I did it in the spirit of fair play and freedom of expression which I only experience here in this forum.

I will bring with me what I learn in my interactions with you all.

I also wish you all the best.

Charleston-Joseph A. Orbe
Happy Planning and Scheduling
Chris Oggham
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Hi Folks,

Now that the thread has been re-opened, I can present a version of events which may not be quite as Charlie would wish it.

Firstly in no way did I ‘bludgeon’ Charlie, all that I did was point out to him on a number of occasions that he did not know what he was talking about. When this happened, Charlie responded with racist cant and petty insults. This has been going on for a considerable amount of time; Charlie has not only been insulting me, but just about anyone who he felt didn’t agree with him.

The following threads:

Forensic Planner and What is new in PMBOK 2008 are fairly typical examples. In them, Charlie either starts pontificating nonsense or attempts to hijack the thread away from its original purpose. When taken to task about this, Charlie responded with the most juvenile insults. He attempts to excuse this by citing pressure of work and other factors, yet earlier he had claimed he was not working at the moment and was on holiday at home in the Philipines.

Charlie then goes on to claim that I kept humiliating him. Sorry, but I can’t claim any credit for that, the only person to humiliate Charlie was Charlie himself, firstly by posting nonsense and then responding with name-calling and racist insults when challenged about it.

Charlie then went on to claim that Mike Testro sided with me. Again this is not correct, the incident Charlie is referring to is contained in the thread How To Perform ALV – Activity Level Variance where Charlie claims to have don a simple ALV. Mike asked him what he had done, Charlie responded with a number of posts containing nothing but hot air and insults, is it any wonder that Mike was not best pleased.

The result of this and numbers of other threads where Charlie has spouted nonsense, refused to answer simple, polite questions, indulged in fantasies (see Should Planners be A Deputy Project Manager Post#18 is rather unpleasant), is this thread. Charlie has got away with his particular brand of pernicious nastiness for too long, and PP Admin are now carrying out an investigation to determine the best way to ensure he stops.

Chris Oggham
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I will make sure that James sees the posts and we all try to start a fresh. Assuming that everyone is OK to move forward with things.

I will speak to James and get back to you Charleston.

(Also PP Admin)
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If this is James Williams,


We did worked together in Dubai Metro.

He was my manager. The best manager that I have got so far.

Hello James,

Nice to hear from you. What really happen is just a child play where Chris bludgeoned me, small fistfull, so, I bludgeoned him also but this time it was a big big fist. It so happen that I was not really in the good mood, too much pressure from worked, misunderstanding with my love ones, and so on and so forth.

Basically, I disregarded Chris. But if you will look at the events prior to my not so good response to Chris, it really is a fair fight between young boys (who happened to be adults). He keep on humiliating me, so, one big big blows to Chris is only natural occurence.

However, Mike made an entry by siding with Chris, so the whole childish fight turns into a big nasty one.

Nice to hear from you, also knowing your the PP admin.

Chris Oggham
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Hi Folks,

Just to put you in the picture, I’ve received an e-mail from PP Admin giving me an update on the situation:-

Hello Chris.

It seems that we do not have any moderators at the moment! I guess that is why things have got out of hand.

Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us about this. I am raising this with the guys here tomorrow. I will feed back to you in a couple of days.

It turns out that I actually know Charlie Orbe and will be contacting him to see what the heck is happenning.

Thanks loads....James

Already a recruitment drive is in place to try to get moderators this link takes you to the thread, so hopefully the situation will be resolved shortly and Charlie will be dealt with appropriately.

Chris Oggham
Stephen Devaux
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Hi, PP Admin.

I’d be happy to help in any way I can -- moderator, PP Wiki editor, opr whatever. However, when I click on Contact at the bottom of the page, stuff about POP3s, etc., "pop" up that I’m afraid I don’t know much about.

If you are interested in having me help, I’d be happy to. Just send an email to the email address with my membership and password.

Steve Devaux
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Hello All.

We have had some emails on this issue.

It seems that the current forum does NOT have any active moderators!!! Not sure what went wrong there! This needs fixing. We do have a couple of people who have said that they would like to try to help doing this. If anyone else wants to offer some help that would be much appreciated.

It continually impreses us by the way that we all pull-together on PP. After all, I guess we are a community.

If anyone has some specific concerns, we would appreciate it if they would email us using the Contacts link on the bottom of every PP page. We will find a solution to the apparent difficulties. Thank you for your help and patience.

Regards PP Admin
Chris Oggham
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Hi Shimmo,

Thank you for those kind words even if they are totally undeserved.

Hi Folks,

As far as the latest update in the saga is concerned, I have contacted PP Admin and made them aware of the situation regarding Charlie. I set up a new e-mail account specifically for this purpose.

There are two reasons for that, I get a great deal of traffic on my standard account and I don’t want to risk missing anything. Secondly, once this business is concluded, I can delete the account, and try to forget the whole sorry pass that one individual has brought us to.

I will check the account each evening and let you know of any developments.

Chris Oggham
James Shimmon
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This should be the main reason that PP Admin take action. Planners with less experience are losing out on valuable knowledge sharing which can be gained from the wealth and diversity of professionals that used to exist within the forums

Chris Oggham - As far as I am concerned you are a legend, keep up the campaign!!

Gwen Blair
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Yip . . concur to the "using PP less as every thread seems to get hijacked by the Big C" Camp.
James Shimmon
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I totally concur with all that has been said.
Maybe the reason that the more experienced people are less active is because CJO manages to hijack nearly every thread.
This leads to him taking threads off at a completely random tangent to that which was originally started with completely bizarre and, quite frankly, nugatory nonsense.
It is all very well saying ignore him but there is only so much provocation that well-articulated,sane people can take.
Come on PP Admin, put us all out of our misery!!
Chris Oggham
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I’m sure that after investigating the matter PP Admin will know what action to take to prevent Charlie from adding any more of his unpleasantness to this forum. It may take a little time, but it will happen, I believe even Charlie must be aware of that now. In the meantime all we have to do is wait for the moderators and PP Admin to do their job.

Chris Oggham
David Wallace
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If the odious little sh!t gets banned, he’ll come back under an alias, unless Admin/Mod actually ban his IP.

I earlier commented about ’sanctions’ but I didn’t realised he’d previously been sanctioned.

New people coming into the skill do not need his bullsh!t rhetoric or insults, it’s damaging, particularly if you are a recently joined member looking for guidance.

Until he is banned, I’ll continue to ignore his posts.


Chris Oggham
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Hi Mike,

I don’t believe that if everyone ignored him Charlie would get bored and go away, rather it would convince him that he had ’won’, who knows what would happen then. As for voting him off, PP Admin should be able to deal with that, as no doubt by now the moderators have reported back the feelings a number of members have towards him.

Chris Oggham
Mike Testro
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Hi Chris

I admit that I did come close to opting out of PP altogether when I came up with the idea of banning C-JO from my mailbox.

Maybe if we all did that he would get bored and go away of his own accord.

How many members does it need to vote him off?

Best regards

Mike Testro
Chris Oggham
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Hi Mike,

I can understand and empathise with your reaction, but is it the right one? It could very well be the right course of action for you, but Planning Planet needs your knowledge and experience. Please don’t let Charlie’s actions make you opt out of part of it, namely correcting things that are wrong.

I’ve noticed that a number of very experienced Planning Planet members are not as active as they used to be after run-ins with Charlie. Now whether Charlie is the entire cause or whether there are other factors, I have no way of knowing, and as the Private message facility is still out, no way of asking. But, as Nestor pointed out, things are getting very bad and maybe we ought to start doing something to make them better.

I believe Carmen has hit the nail squarely on the head with her assessment of how Charlie treats women. His description, post #18 in another thread, of how he would like female colleagues to dress was extremely graphic but showed no respect. His attitude to men is such that if you disagree with him, Charlie feels threatened and responds with rants, tirades and name-calling.

We have had promises in the past from Charlie that he would reform, but these have proved worthless. I do not believe he should be permitted to continue with his behaviour and that Carmen’s solution of a temporary ban, six months perhaps, is probably the best way forward. When Charlie returns, it might be advisable for this to be on a probationary basis, so that if he begins his unacceptable behaviour again, he gets another six month ban.

Chris Oggham
Mike Testro
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Hi All

I have come to a personal solution to my own problem with C-JO.

I have set my Outlook rules to permanently delete any thread that arives in my inbox from the biggotted little prig.

This will not stop him from spreading his particularly nasty poison across the pp forum but I will not be bothered directly.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Nestor Principe
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Dear All,

The beauty of this community is so many people would voluntarily express his/her opinion with the good intention of helping those seeking adivise.

Although the opinion expressed may not necessarily be helpful, one way or the other it do help formulate ideas.

Sometimes exchanging of views becoming too personal because he/she looks on the view expressed the other way around.

Discussion may proceed as long it is healthy and as a respected member of the community one should know when to stop.

The sad thing is due to personal interest, if I may say so, things are turning very bad.

If someone want to prove something, PP is not the right place.

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I can only say,

I love this Planet.

So diverse, so full of opinion.

Happy Planning and Scheduling
Joel Gilbert
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I dont think anybody should worry about old Charlie anymore as he is apparently starting a new job and hopefully wont have the same free time on his hand anymore to post such long drawn out answers
Toby Hunt
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Dear All

The main issue I see with some of Charleston’s posts is that it limits PP to being just a forum for expressing
one’s views.

There may of course be nothing wrong with that, but there have also been a number of postings recently relating to some members wanting PP to push to provide an accreditation which will act as a quality standard for planners.

Unfortunately, some of Charleston’s remarks do not give a "quality" impression.

In my opinion, planners should also be able to communicate in a professional manner and sadly this does not seem to always be the case.

Dieter Wambach
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Dear Carmen

A great post.

Dear Mike and Chris

I understand your position as Charly’s racist insults in general are against British and Americans. I agree to Carmen that sometimes he has some good ideas. Other posts remind me of drunk persons in a bar lamenting.

But to ban him? Nobody banned from PP - apart from Charly. Already now he feels that he’s superior and flying as high as there is danger he might hit a satellite in space or being burnt by the sun. This might raise his self confidence ad infinitum. For my opinion: too much importance towards him.

Mike, if you’ll ban him from this side you’ll have no chance to see him as an adult person one day. Still I’m optimistic.

Maybe a temporary ban - as 2 minutes in handball - would be the best idea. Maybe our Admins have the chance to run a filter: Charly and racist or insulting words, then just ignore and don’t publish his post.

Maybe now he feels that superior to us all that in future he won’t descend to our level and by himself he’ll abandon PP.

Keep cool and serene!

Regards to all!


Carmen Arape
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Dear All,

I believe that Mike have posted this thread because we are tired of Charlie’s way at the moment of expressing ideas.

Charlie has diverse opinion, diverse experience and critical thinking. We welcome your brilliant, less brilliant ideas and your constructive criticism.
We do not welcome your antipathy towards British culture and your prejudices against women.

After reading him declaring his love and respect for his mother, wife and daughter. The rest of women out of his respected female group are treated more or less as worker of the red district in Amsterdam.
I have received kind words for my opinions but his comments about women make feel like part of the red district.

Your antipathy towards British culture is based on your personal experience. We do not want to read interesting discussion ending as “truck driver struggle”. This means an ending full of vulgarities appropriate to no educated people which is not the case of PP members.

I want to keep reading your interesting posts but without these two destructive emotions.

After saying this, I suggest to temporary ban him for some months.

Because I believe you are an intelligent planner, You will see the positive side of this measure. You will come back to this forum with a different speech.

Chris Oggham
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Hi Guys,

I must admit I have been tempted to raise a thread like this myself.

In his post Charlie makes claims of a racist conspiracy and then continues with his usual stream of semi-coherent rubbish. As Gwen rightly points out, it’s drivel, and while his rants might brighten your day if they are not aimed at you, they fail to do that if you are the target.

David makes a number of valid points, if Charlie is allowed to continue as he is at present it will be mayhem, and the ultimate losers will be Planning Planet, and the people who want to make it into a useful resource.

While Arnold and Darren could well be right in saying the best option is to ignore Charlie, we come back to the point that David made that people who come to the site for advice will leave empty-handed or confused.

One possible scenario that does worry me slightly is what if someone brand new to planning sees Charlie’s posts, sees that they are not refuted and believes that Charlie knows what he is talking about. They take action based upon it and end up neck deep in the cack. Would they have grounds for taking legal action against Planning Planet? I really don’t know, but the Internet being what it is, they would have means to do Planning Planet a great deal of damage if they chose to.

Setting that aside, how do Charlie’s posts affect Planning Planet’s credibility now that we are actively seeking accreditation? Again I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure it’s not going to help.

Se’s link to the site on bullying was extremely interesting, but we should bear in mind that it isn’t enough just to understand bullies, they also have to be dealt with. Because I could not be said to be totally objective in this, having been the target of Charlie’s nastiness on frequent occasions, I will not make any suggestions, other than that it might be a good idea to get things sorted quickly.

Chris Oggham
Mike Testro
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Thanks for that link:

Hi Se

I particularly appreciated this bit:

"The serial bully is an adult on the outside but a child on the inside; he or she is like a child who has never grown up. One suspects that the bully is emotionally retarded and has a level of emotional development equivalent to a five-year-old, or less. The bully wants to enjoy the benefits of living in the adult world, but is unable and unwilling to accept the responsibilities that go with enjoying the benefits of the adult world. In short, the bully has never learnt to accept responsibility for their behaviour"

Best regards

Mike Testro
Se de Leon
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Try to understand that there’s psychology behind this.

Please read

Gwen Blair
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The 00,01% being OK as some one who loves his wife, daughter and Mam cant be ALL bad!!
Darren Kosa
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Hi All,

Well said Arnold. 99.99% of what he posts is absolute drivel, but I don’t see any need for sanctions. If you indulge someone who is out to illicit a response you perpetuate the cycle.

If you so wish, you already have the required mechanisms in place to spoil his party. It’s obvious that he doesn’t particularly care what the subject matter is, the ensuing conflict is premeditated and designed to pander to his ego.

The anonymity of internet forums allows ‘characters’ such as Charlie to exist, so when you encounter him in full swing don’t respond. By descending to his level you’re opening the gates to the asylum and letting the inmates out.


Arnold Puy
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If you will post here which is not related to the topic then ignore it. All of us were created equal, no matter what RACE & Nationalities.

It is normal to each and everyone to commit mistakes, that is why PP forum were created, to solve our problem in relation to Planning & Scheduling and etc.

Let us enjoy sharing and seeking advice. We should respect one another no matter what.


David Wallace
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If you break the rules then you should be banned.

Otherwise it will be mayhem, and those people who come to the site for advise either leave empty handed or confused.

A simple question becomes a soap box for some dillusioned individual.

Perhaps Admin can sanction Charlie in the first instance, a temporary ban to the forums only, perhaps?
Roger Booth
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His posts are something to brighten the day (Just like jokes being sent round the office). Whether the content of them constitue a ban, I am not sure. If the threads get personal or abusive, I am sure the moderators will do what is necessary.


Gwen Blair
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Charlie, What drivel!
Personally I have long suspected "Charlie" to be the "nom de plume" or "alter ego" one of our other "respectable" PP members.
As for Charlie having a drinking problem (Who doesn’t? JOKE!). . well thats his own personal affairs.
Could Charlies problem be Charlie?
What mindless entertainment tho!
Mike Testro
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Hi All

Well that’s got the debate off to a flying start.

Please may we hear from any others with an opinion.

Best regards

Mike Testro
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It does not make any difference

because PP is a freedom loving forum. Anyone can access the forum.

What I did notice here is the racist conspiracy to inhibit freedom of expression and freedom of thinking. There seems to be a propagation of homogeneous characteristic of personality. Whoever deviate from that personality is threaten with expulsion from PP

What I did notice is some PP member intolerance to accept diverse opinion, diverse experience, and curtailment of critical thinking.

We let PP decide. But remember as freedom loving people of PP, as a lover of democracy, expulsion is not the answer.

You have to understand that the proponent of expulsion is the same person who live in a country that always threaten explusion, in fact they did expelled, any other nationalities that differ in the way they are doing things. And they are the one racist, not me. I’m just enjoying my time to be free which I can not experience in my workplace.

We know the rules. We have moderators. The moderators will only delete the offensive post.

What is offensive for one nationalities may not really be offensive. It could only be an alibi, a smoke screen to curtail of expression, critical thinking (the hallmark of great leaders) or it could only be a propagation of colonialism.

PP to be a colony again of ???

Happy Planning and Scheduling