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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Planning Planet Closed

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Forum Guest
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Hello All,

We are sorry that we were closed for a few hours yesterday. We have 3,215 planners all logged in at the same time yesterday morning (not sure why!). This exposed a weakness in the way we run the central scripts and hence the site fell over because it could not cope.

We are pleased to be up and running now and even more pleased to be recieving more and more offers of help to run or administer the PP, help in rates, voting, topic papers etc.

We thank you for your support in keeping PP alive!!

PP Admin


Carmen Arape
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With regard to your comment on Clive, being completely frustrated, I would like to copy a saying dedicated to tolerance:

Human diversity makes tolerance more than a virtue; it makes it a requirement for survival.
Rene Dubos,Celebrations of Life, 1981

Your post makes me read about about TOLERANCE, hier another saying:

There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it behooves all of us not to talk about the rest of us.

Clive Randall
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What do you mean when you say

Especially CLIVE ,being completely frustrated, always try to use ....language on this forum.

If I do not use language how would I communicate on this forum

This would lead to everybody being frustrated

Clive Randall
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I know the man who started this forum, and I believe his goal was to provide a wide spectrum of debate.

To stifle debate is the road to dictatorship, to encourage it is the road to a free and open society.

I assume Bill you are all in favour of the latter???
Chris Oggham
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The forum wasn’t formed for you to give uninformed opinions on people’s frustration levels either. So until you know all the facts of a situation could I suggest that you keep your opinions of people to yourself.

Chris Oggham
Bill Joshaf
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This forum was not formed to discuss Clive and Charlie personal matters publically and their related historical disputes.

So try to avoid their posts on personal disputes and read other informative and productive things on the Forum....

Especially CLIVE ,being completely frustrated, always try to use ....language on this forum.

Carmen Arape
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Planning Planet- keep doing your BEST.

I can not imagine a day without reading Charlie and Clive Randall.

Please/ por favor / bitte / alsjeblieft never shut down.

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DONT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. Planning Planet stop

So that this will not happen again,

we have to innovate.

How, any idea


Ashraf Jahangeer
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Hi PP Admin,

I congratulate you on your effort, it has really changed the way I work.

I have a sujjestion, can we have an automatic e-mail information system in case there is breakdown. As in the begining I though that the site has been blocked by my company fire-wire.


Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Thats remarkable, Is that True? Congragulations.
Chris Oggham
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Hi there,

You say you’re not sure why you had 3,215 planners all logged on at the same time. How about, because you’ve taken an idea and turned it into something worthwhile that people want to be part of?

OK so we lost a few hours through truly exceptional circumstances, so what? Planning Planet is there when we want it, and maybe that loss of service will stop us taking it, and the people who run it, for granted. This, I think, is confirmed by the number of people who want to help and keep Planning Planet growing and thriving.

There is a lot of information, experience, common-sense and wisdom available on Planning Planet, so Thank You all for making it available.

Chris Oggham