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Members skills

3 replies [Last post]
Dave Ellis
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Is there a way in which the members skills are ratified.

Just out of interest I was reviewing the standard of planners on the site and I became aware of a huge disparity in the members skills. One of the best planners I know is a member (I won’t embaress him by naming) yet his skill claims seem modest (though they will be accurate) when compared with some of the other members who claim to know everything about everything.

With forty years experience behind me I am still learning all the time. I also know that if for instance you know 100% about railway construction then your knowledge in other areas (eg IT projects) must be limited, and if you were that clever you wouldn’t be planning for a living anyway (or maybe you are 250 yrs old)
Last year I was in position of recruiting planners and some of the bulls*@t on some cvs was unbelievable. CV and interviewee = 2 different people.

This thread started with me reading an email about passing on knowledge and skills to young and junior planners.
I hope you get the drift of my email as I don’t want to get into any peronal arguments. I’d just like planners to be respected as honest, helpful professionals


James Griffiths
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ooooh you lot are so cynical and hard-bitten. Had a ’ard life Guv’?

Davey dearie....remember I read your CV. Would you like to know my thoughts during the interview? Nah, p’raps not. It was all that wavy-hair wot done it for me....not to mention that tie wot I wanted to chomp-on.

James :-)
Chris Oggham
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You’ve got the ratings pretty much right I think.

Clive Randall
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Oh dear Dave
You seem to have stolen my harp and the harp of a few other members
It will be interesting to see how people respond to your criteris for a jolly splendid planner in all fields
My star rating is as follows
1 knows somebody who knows somebody who once knew somebody who knew something about the subject
2 Knows somebody who once knew somebody who had some dealings on the subject
3 married to a planner
4 married to a planner who talks about his job all the time
5 went to college with a planner
6 read a manual on the field subject
7 did a tender on the subject
8 did the initial programme on the subject
9 worked on the job as a planner
10 had his initial programme approved by somebody who had no knowledge of planning
Its just my thought on a 10 star rating in all fields