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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Recommended member??????

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Zureena Abd Rahim
User offline. Last seen 16 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Posts: 11

FYI i wanna explore "production rate" but its limit me to 10 list only.I need to recommend minimum 2 new members before i can fully explore this production rate...but the problem is, i don’t know the procedure to introduce new member into this planning is work??
Do i need to requested my friend to joint this Planning Planet or what?
The important thing that i can have fully touch on production anyone can help me out there...??
Please... ,-)



Nigel Winkley
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Joined: 11 May 2006
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Groups: The GrapeVine
In the top right hand corner of the main menu is "Recommend".

Click that link and enter your friend’s email address. He will get an email and once he responds and joins up he will become one of your contacts. Repeat for all your planning friends/colleagues.