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Democracy vs Totalitarianism 2

7 replies [Last post]
Larry Blankenship
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See, I beat you to it!

Perhaps a more apropos question in the context of Project Management and Planning is to ask what people prefer to use as a management style?

There are two prevalent theories, Theory X and Theory Y (I can never keep them straight) that in my mind boil down to Supervision and Leadership, tight and loose, Totalitarianism and Democracy.

Having been at both extremes, I’m down to the Ronald Reagan school of management "trust but verify"



Andrew Flowerdew
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From memory Mr Jonker was the instigator of the original thread. In line with that, one quote for you to ponder on Philip:

"An historical analysis of the jurisprudential or philosophical justification for law (and moderators!!!)demonstrates a dependency between the choosen theory of law and the prevailing ethical political social and economic characteristics of the society in which the law is operating.
One of the earliest theories of law is Natural Law which subscribes to the view that all laws are subject to overriding immutable truths which are derived from God or a divinity (the idealist school) or from physical laws of nature (the empirical school)"

Quote from Richard Winward in "Legal Obligations in Construction", published by Construction Law Press
Larry Blankenship
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The original thread got terminated because it had turned into a flaming free-for-all with very little being discussed in the way of the original topic.

Clive Randall
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The original thread has been terminated
Please advise how that happened
Was it yourself
Is there power in those green hills
Clive Randall
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My heart goes out to you
Maybe you should give him the computer.
It appears you are being asked to justify rather than plan

Hands off leadership, set the direction, monitor the results, ascertain the trend, sack the non performers.
What school of management is that.
The one i would subscibe to.

Gordon Blair
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doing work, controlling it, or in his case magicing(sp?) it up out of thin air... :o)
Larry Blankenship
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12 minutes?!!!

Some people don’t understand the difference between doing the work and controlling it...

My philosophy is that if it takes longer to report it than it does to do it, you have too much detail.

Oh well...Micromanagers are why I’m no longer an employee, except on a contract basis. My experience has been that I get more leeway as a contractor to do things the way I know they should be done. Not that I’m always that brilliant.

Gordon Blair
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As I’m currently working with a PM who feels he needs a separate WBS for each activity, and design related activities accounted down to 12 minute increments.. I’m all for a slightly looser grip on things.

Am hoping I can get him run over, before we ever get this contract signed... ;o)