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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Not so serious

9 replies [Last post]
Erik Jonker
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How about an extra topic for more light hearted discussions, eg. Jokes and interessting stories about planning, poking fun at other disciplines, tripping on the critical path (down a shear cliff).

If there is a way we can keep it light hearted and PG rated, I’m sure it would be a scream.




Philip Jonker
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Hi Erik/Guy/Stuart,

Go and check out one of the newer members, a not so serious guy, from antarctica who managed to slip past the praetorians:-)


Erik Jonker
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One of the reasons planners get such top notch salaries, is the calm and balance they bring to a project.

Planners are the agony aunts in project management. All the people should feel free to confide in you and you help them with their problems.

Let’s face it, a claim is like a Dear John letter for an engineer.

My favourite line is "Hey, it could have been worse" then you tell them how it could have been ten times worse. Brings everything right into perspective.

Erik Jonker
Stuart Ness
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Mmmm...I always thought that having a sense of humour was a pre-requisite for being a planner ;-)
Philip Jonker
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Hi Guys,

I believe there is really a need for a bit of fun, lightheartednes, if we really take ourselves that seriously, that is already a reason to laugh. There must be a lot of stories out there that is planning related, that is humorous, but has a lesson as well. A lot of things I have learned over the years have been as a result of mistakes. So give the not so serious a chance.
Erik Jonker
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It was just a suggestion.

Take it or leave it.
Shahzad Munawar
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Such concerns as suggested by Chris do not relate to this Forum so these can not be entertained.
Chris Oggham
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[Perhaps, this is why such a section does not exist. Deleted by Moderator.]
Erik Jonker
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Hi Guy,

I was thinking more along the line of something for planners, by planners. But your idea is swell, if you don’t mind the administration.

We can then also see which planners have a sense of humour, which would lead to more private mail.

I believe planners should be able to talk about other planning related stuff as well. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Guy Hindley
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Daft as your idea sounds I think there may be mileage in it. I find certain Dilbert cartoons on Planning very effective when trying to convince non Planners of the need for a Plan. I also use a "Winnie the Pooh" cartoon to similar effect. Sharing such humour could help. However how do we get around copywrite so that we can share these?