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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Declaring War On Forum Guests!!!

11 replies [Last post]
Brennan Westworth
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I think it would be a posetive move to restrict posting in these forums to registered users.

I have noticed a steady stream of guests posting in these forums, are they too lazy to register?


Ernesto Puyana
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If you could see on the screen some indication that you have logged in, you could avoid posting as a forum guest, not being one.
Mark Lomas
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the moderators have had many long discussions on the pros and cons on forum guests. There may be no right answer.

Rest assured it remains high on our Agenda and we will try various options out to make any decision in the best interests of PP as a whole.
Brennan Westworth
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check out this site

they have a good php forum that can be customised and implemented easily.

There are a number of good features like automatic login and personal messaging.
Forum Guest
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You have all made some very good observations. We are looking into how we can improve the facility.

Keep up the good work.
Alex Wong
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If forum guest want to maintain unknow, they can use a temp ID or something like that so at least we know that which forum guest we are talking to. Sometime 4 or 5 forum guest submit their comments in the same time and you just cannot track who is who.

In addition, I found that some forum guest is rather irresponsible to their comments. They draw conclusion before they post their question, and become very impolite.
Brennan Westworth
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Yes I have found that too... I usually keep the plannig plannet page open while i am at work and check the forums from time to time throughout the day. I continually have to log in to avoid posting as a guest.

Perhaps Planning Plannet should look at upgrading their forums, there are a number of PHP forums available "off the shelf"
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To improve this issue, may I suggest: -
If no login, when they press the button reply, ask for login name, then they make their reply, this will listed their information, if time out, as usual, just list Forum Guest.

If start from beginning, no login, sorry, no reply.

I think we cannot achieve the best solution, my proposed may better than nothing.
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On "Guest" issue, some discussions before.
May I share my experience (just happen a moment ago)
I have login in, browse information in this web site, then do some reply to the forum. After posted, it is in Forum Guest. I think I have time out (no indication until submit reply successfully) but I keep on browse the site and typing the reply.

So the point is, those Forum Guests been login or not before they post reply? We never know.
Brennan Westworth
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That was me by the way... forgot to log in :)
Forum Guest
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hmmm.. good point

Ill get back in my box now
Stuart Ness
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Whilst it may be OK for the likes of Brennan (and myself) and many others to declare who and what they are on this site, it should be recognised that for a number of differing reasons, many others may prefer not to - or cannot - divulge who they are or who they work for.

The Forum Guests - whoever they are - do seem to make a positive contribution to this website, and I don’t think that they should be discouraged simply because they prefer to be anonymous.
