I just found out this website not long ago. This is a great website and will have his place to stay for good.
May I suggest adding a new discussion category say "Construction Schedule".
Often time I found out a scenario in construction that people superintend the project don’t know how to present their knowledge in a CPM format. On the other hand, people who put together the CPM have no sufficient knowledge about the construction. (It certainly needs many years of experience to get familiar with all the trades.) As a result of that, I often see a CPM schedule to be not even realistic nor usable by field crew.
To solve this problem, we can use this forum to collect everybody’s input, which can be grouped by CSI Code section systematically. Hopefully, we can also have people from Subcontractors (Trade) to participate in these efforts. This can then be a place for all Schedulers, Superintendents, and Subcontractors to exchange their knowledge and views about construction schedule such as the typical construction activities and sequences.
Eventually we can somehow develop a standard to depict all construction activities which can then be utilized by all people in the industry as a reference or can also be used to train fresh staff.
Note that this discussion group will emphasize on the depiction of the construction activities, typical sequences, etc. not on any software.
For example, how do we depict an elevator construction in a schedule? How about shoring? Plaster? etc. Can we somehow create a “standard” for everybody as most estimators are using CSI master format.
We can also share the knowlege about the typical procurement time for any materials, which is often a major "risk" in the schedule.
Eric Chou, PE
HTC Project Controls, Inc.