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there is no Option for LOGING OUT from the Site

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we have the option to Log in the Planning planet site.

but we dont have the Option of LOG OUT...

it is Important and needed.


some times I need to enter the site with out my name..and I am forced to open the web page from start..which is not Practical.



User offline. Last seen 4 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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I think user will feel ’comfort’ when know the time is 20 minutes.
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Hi there,

We have an action on the development list to add a logout function and we will try to get it expedited.

This is not a really important issue as each of us are automatically logged out after being at the site for 20 minutes.

User offline. Last seen 4 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Yes, it is a question from member previously and not solved. But I feel surprise a forum guest raise this improvement since there is no effect on them.