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MSP negative float and constriant

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V Kutty
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I was analysing a schedule for a contractor. The final milestone (constrained finish on or before) has a float of -78 days and a finish of 1 Jan 15. If I remove this constraint I was expecting the end date to move by 78 days to Middle of March. Instead the program moved by 152 days. Any idea why this may have happened?





Tom Boyle
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(Presuming "MSP" in your title means Microsoft Project)

1. If the whole program moved to the right after removing a FNLT constraint, then the project is scheduled backwards, and you are in a heap of trouble.  Most people who use terms like "float" and "finish on or before" don't schedule like that.  (Check the Project Information dialog for  "Schedule from: = Project Finish Date" and note the Finish date.)  

2. If only the final milestone moved to the right after removing its FNLT constraint, then:

  • You have left the project schedule option for "Tasks will always honor their constraint dates" checked (this is the default setting.)  I would normally un-check it to prevent late constraints from overriding logic.  With the box un-checked, removing the FNLT constraint wouldn't "move" anything;  only the late dates and the float, not the scheduled (early) dates, would be affected.
  • Ignoring other constraints and funky logic, check the finish milestone calendar and the project's "hours per day" setting.  These have a great impact on the interpretations of durations and float.  For example, a milestone with a 24-hour calendar in a project with default settings (8hr/day) only needs to accelerate by one calendar day to recover 3 "days" of negative float. (This is not an issue in P6 because P6 calendars each include their own hours/day setting, while MSP only has one for the whole project.)
  • (Obviously) make sure there are no manually-scheduled tasks.

 Good luck, tom