Dear PP friends,
I would like to hear from the community your point of views about the effect of awarded rain delay days and concurrency.
It is common practice at home for the rain delay be awarded on some rule as to the amount of hours you could work on a day at a given project and no requirement for it to be justified on the CPM Schedule. This I believe mostly in error as they shall be included on the updates as to show concurrency when it happens.
Take for example the following scenario; the Owner delay for a week the critical activities but the Contractor works on other non critical activities, during the week it rains during two days in excess of the average rain allowance and these two days are awarded.
I believe the two days cannot be included again on the claim for EOT due to the critical activities, obvious but at times missed here. This might not be difficult to include on the sequential TIAs but I am having problems on what about a time where the project is extended by cause of the owner beyond the Projected Duration attributable to the Contractor and some rain days were awarded during the period. I believe these rain days cannot be claimed twice but for the Delay Claim on Prolongation costs there is no concurrency and extended overhead and prolongation costs during these rain days do apply.
Your comment and ideas on how to present this issue on a claim will be welcomed. I am whiling to recognize concurrency during rain delays that would have occurred in the absence of Owner delays but want to claim there is no concurrency after the contract period under Contractor responsibility.
Thanks in advance,
Rafael Davila