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Special preliminary Item -Time related or value related

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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hai everybody,

Lumpsum contract, location Dubai, Fidic (Red book)

in the Prelims (general items), there is one lumpsum item,


Access to and possession or use of the site
Refer to Clause 42.1 vol - 1 of Tender and Contract Conditions.
Working space on Site is subject to the reasonable limitations
Imposed by the Engineer
Limitations of Working Hours
Refer to Clause 45.1 vol - 1 of Tender and Contract Conditions
Maintenance of existing services on , under or over the site.
The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and
protecting all existing services as specified.

how it will be claimed based on Time Related/Value Related, but nothing is mentioned in Preambles regarding this item

but there is one point
Payment for the following items proceed as lumpsum and shall be paid as a percentage of work completed to total value.
(i) Restrictions
(ii) small plants and tools


Samer Zawaydeh
User offline. Last seen 5 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1664
Dear Raj,

It seems that your client did not know the total scope of work, and that is why it was presented in a lump sum item. The best hope is that your Tendering person visited the site and put down a good amount.

The first thing that you should do is make a list of the complete items that you have as of this moment. The you include it in the Program of works as activities to be completed and let the Engineer comment on it. Once you complete the items on the list, you can invoice their percentage.

Of course, the problem is with the unforeseen items. You will have to list them as they arise, and recalculate the value based on the new distribution.

Of course, you might end up with a huge amount as a result, if you reach that stage, let us know.

Good luck,
