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X Planner
User offline. Last seen 8 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Guys

i just wanna ask three simple questions...


who has the right to use the total float...Contractor or Consultant or owner???


in my case i’m Owner Rep.& Main Contractor, the Sub-contractor used all the float and fall behinde schedule, where the schedule becomes fully backloaded (Construction)

the Sub-Contractor did not follow the targeted sequence of construction,(program prepared by owner)

meanwhile he always update the program that he does not want to follow (our program)

and now he is claiming for E.O.T on their actual sequence of construction which have nothing to do with our sequences presented in our program.

note..we r responsible for some delays regarding the issuance of drawings and some changes as well.

so, what do u think of this case since it is kind of complicated...but your contributions will be very helpful


is the program approved by defualt if the Sub-contractor updated it several times???????????

note that the contract wording ia always talking about approved program

thanx in advance


Andrew Flowerdew
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There is a saying that the float belongs to who ever needs it first. Your case sounds quite complicated (aren’t they all!) and to get an answer you would have to go back through the wording of the conditions of contract as to obligations regarding programmes and performance.

Generally I agree that sub contractors should write thier own programmes using given constraints from the main programme, however I have also written and given sub contractors programmes when they haven’t performed. Usually they are contractually bound to perform to the constraints (milestones or similar) of the main programme and if they don’t to the satsifaction of the main contractor, the main contractor is entitled to take steps to ensure performance. One may or may not be, depending on the contract, to write thier programme and expect them to stick to it.
Bill Guthrie
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man, you are asking a loaded question. Who owns float?
ha ha. Thats depending on who you work for.

But normally total float belongs to the project.
A sub contractor bids a job based on your milestones, his intent is to follow it. Normally he is requested to prepare a schedule showing how he will preform the work to make the milestones, and submits this as part of his bid.

Personally i never force a sub to follow my schedule, but ask him to submit his schedule. If you force him to follow your schedule, then he can claim he is not responsible for it, you are.

this is a tender area. so no definate rules.but take care.