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PowerProject Enterprise Use

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Paul Bradley
User offline. Last seen 1 year 37 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2009
Posts: 11



Can anyone share their experiences, positive or negative, of using PowerProject in the enterprise environment, with multiple planners accessing the programme remotely / over distance via citrix (or another means).






Paul Harris
User offline. Last seen 1 year 9 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Apr 2001
Posts: 618

There are two options when using Powerproject in an Enterprice Environment:

  • Either you may have all your projects in one database in a similar way to P6, with similar advantages and disadvantages of having all the projects in one database as with P6, or
  • You can load your projects into a web app called Project Vision which is also a very powerfull tool where your projects are downloaded from the web to be worked on on a PC, like checking out, and then they are uploaded again when the user has completed the update.  I would think Project Vision would resolve remote site latency issues, but my experiance is mainly with multiple projects in a database.

Elecosoft Powerproject is designed for the Building and Construction industries, unike P6 and MSP that were both developed for IT and Business Development projects and it has a lot of the functions I am seeking from construction software including built in BIM functions.

You may wish to read my article on the Comparison of P6, MSP and Powerproject

I also publish training material for Elecosoft Powerproject, click on this link for details.


Paul E Harris