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Creation of Exclusion Period

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Chris Wilson
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I have a project  where I have split the fit out of a floor area into a number of different sections call them area 1,2,3 & 4.  

Area 1 has UFH and so whilst this is being layed and screeded will restrict access to the other areas which come off it.  Each of these areas may be at a different stage of fit out when area 1 UFH is to start. 

I know I could link the activities all into and out of the UFH so that a gap/exclusion period is created however as its not specifically the activites that are constained but the period I want to exclude whilst UFH I was  wondering if anyone could think of a way of applying constraints/exceptions to the activities so that there is a period of time excluded for areas 2, 3 & 4  that correlates to the UFH install in the other area.  I would ideally like this to  work through a reschedule  and progress updates. 

So for example if at planned stage area 1 ufh was starting and area  2 ceilings were due to start, area 2 ceilings would be pushed back to start following UFH install to area 1. 

If however at progress period 1 the UFH was delayed in area 1, this would mean the ceilings in zone 2 could progress and the follow on activity say final fix to ceilings would be the item that was delayed due to access restrictions and the programme would account for this. 

I thought about creating seperate calendars for the areas with exceptions whilst the UFH was carried out but this wouldnt withstand progress updates and reschedules.

Any help wouild be appreciated.




Rafael Davila
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Spider Project scheduling - activities interrupting might be allowed. Click Interruptible on Initial Data page of Activity properties dialog box. During the scheduling process, an activity might be interrupted if there are not enough resources to continue it, or the same resource is needed for an activity with higher priority.

This allow us to interrupt other activities performance if using resource leveling in combination with interruptible activity parameter. The following two images shows two examples, plase take a look, maybe it can give you a clue on how to do it with your software.

Activity-Gantt-Activities-11-B-1-Exclusion-Resourcejpg-Page1  ... if only one activity restrict others
 Activity-Gantt-Activities-11-B-2-Exclusion-Resourcejpg-Page1  ... if other activities also restrict others

It is basic resource constraining, there is no chance 20,0000 activities will happen at the same time, of course the limit can be increased. The availability of the dummy resource is set to 20,000 ea and every restricting activity is assigned 20,000 ea making sure no other activity sharing 1 ea of the dummy will occur at the same time the restricting activity is sceduled. The activity splitting parameter will allow performance of activities sharing the same dummy to split if need be and not work during the time the restricting activity works.

Good luck.

Chris Wilson
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Im looking to do somthing like the below without having to relink around tasks everytime the task that restricts access is delayed.
