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As built programme

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Chris Wilson
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I have a programme where I have been recording progress on a weekly basis but I have not been using it as a live programme i.e one that you reschedule on a weekly basis. I am now trying to crate an as built programme from it.

I know that If I do a reschedule at the last progress period only those activities not complete will shift and complete tasks dont shift from the baseline however I am wanting to show the progress throughout the project.

Does anyone know how to do tihs?

I was thinking I would have to go back to the first progress period and reschedule to that then the 2nd , 3rd 4th etc so activities shfted to period in wihch they were complete but not sure but this seems like a lot of work and not sure how to set reschedule options to only account for the progress at that week in the reschedule.

Any help appreciated.




Stephen Devaux
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Hi, Mike. Since Asta Powerproject, unlike Primavera, has the ability to compute critical path drag, can I suggest two more columns?

1. As Planned drag.

2. As Built drag.

I also think that tracking changes in drag for each activity (especially when the CP changes causing different activities to have drag) with each new version of the schedule during execution would be VERY valuable from a forensic viewpoint -- but admittedly, that gets a bit more complicated.

Fraternally in project management,

Steve the Bajan

Chris Wilson
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Thanks Mike will give that a try

Mike Testro
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Hi Chris

Save the file inot a new one.

Transfer all of your weekly progress reports onto a spreadsheet.

Add 2 new columns Start AB plus End AB and transfer the 1st record above 0 and the last record at 100.

You can get accurate dates by interpolating % complete on the days of the month.

Set up your As planned bars as a baseline and then copy/paste your spreadsheet dates into the Start and Finish columns.

You now have an As Planned v As Built comparison programme.

Best regards Mike Testro.