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Negative Values For Task Allocations (Cost / Income)

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Chris Lothian
User offline. Last seen 1 year 18 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 34

Hi All,


Does anyone know if it's possible to have a negative value against a income / cost?


Reason for wanting to do this, is that I have an a highway maintenance contract where the client has given us anticipated spends against a list of tasks, but the actual spend was less. Rather than go through and adjust all the anticiapted spends, I was hoping to insert a new task with a negative value against it which represented the sum of the underspend.


Kind Regards,





Ben Taunt
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Hi Chris,

Whilst I agree with Craig's suggestion, for reference you can't have a negative cost.  If you try entering one, Asta Powerproject will chuck up a warning stating the value must be greater than zero.  That is the point of the alternative income field within Asta - other software which has no concept of income does allow you to have a negative cost but only to get around that deficency.

So I guess you could use the income field to record the underspend...?  As the net amount would therefore be orginial cost less the underspend...?  Sounds messy though.


Ben @ Asta

Craig Adams
User offline. Last seen 2 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 32

Hi Chris,

Wouldn't you just enter actual cost so you could use Asta cost functions?

Kind regards,
