Hi Folks,
I am trying to use Earned Value Analysis on a project using V11. The Asta reps and website claim it has all the gubbings required to carry out EVA. I have been aware of EVA for a number of years but never had the inclination to actually use it until now. I had a review of all the literature I could find to clarify my understanding on how it works and the info required. I had a stab myself at setting something up as I usually do when embarking on something new in asta but havent found it very intuative. I can get some of the info in the fields column but cant get the histogram to display the data in the EVA fields.
I have tried the help menu and technical support. They emailed me a link to download a macro but this still doesnt really do what I think it should. The gurus from asta dont provide technical support on EVA or the use of the macro but did offer me some training for £150!
Has anyone got any experience using EVA in PP V11 and able to provide me with any examples they have done in the past.
Im trying to plot the following data onto a histogram if possible.
BCWS - Budgeted Cost of Scheduled Work (The Budgeted Cost based on the project baseline)
ACWP - Actual Cost of Work Performed (Actual cost incurred to accomplish the progress to date)
BCWP - Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (The planned cost to accomplished the progress to date)