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(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.


7 replies [Last post]
Alan Burns
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Hi all,

I am new here so how the devil are you all??

We are currently moving to larger construction projects and feel MS project just is not good enough, the system we are looking at is Powerproject, it seems excellent to me.

Can any of you summarise why you use it and what its positive points are against any negative ones? I would be grateful of any information.

Happy Planning.



Jonathan Kirby
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Hi Allan,
See my posting in "Popularity of Powerprojects / Teamplan"
The best and most cost effective would be PP V8.
Full CPA and database, reliable, loads of features and great output. comes with uk construction templates so easter and bank holidays allways correct.
quick and easy too learn and use.
fully functioning 30 day trial cd can be got free off ASTA.
regards JK
Andrew Pearce
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Yet another vote in favour of powerproject.
It is user friendly, with minimal training required for an experienced planner.
I only use MSP when forced to!
Another option would be Pertmaster, which has the added risk analysis tool or Surtrak.

Happy Planning
David Bordoli
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Another point in favour of Powerproject (especially in the UK and I know they have great support in Scotland too) is that you will be using the software that the majority of your peers, other contractors and subcontractors, will be using. This makes communication, collaboration, understanding and data-exchange so much simpler.


Visit Buro Four on the web.
Alan Burns
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Sounds good, thanks.
Mark Roles
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To be totally honest i have never used any other software than PP or MS Project. For consruction projects PP seems to have everything and is the most common software used.

I recently went to a PP version 8 meeting / seminar where they went through all the changes to the latest version (due out in August)they have added unlimited notes option to tasks, (like in MS Project) improved the resource graphs and the way in which labour loaded programmes are shown and made a few minor amendments behind the scene with regards to print options etc...

My assumption is that other software packages will not have all the features of PP, but depends what on purpose for use.
Alan Burns
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Thanks for taking the time to reply, your info is greatly appreciated.

I agree with your thoughts on the subject but wonder what you make of P3 or Primavera? It is debated in depth on here but I have to say I found it less than user friendly while using a trial version.

What is your opinion? I think it may now be very difficult to convince me that PP is not the answer now, it seems ideal to me.

Mark Roles
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MS project is very limited to be used on larger projects/contracts and to say the least the printing of programmes is difficult if you have more than 20 items!!
The ability of the software is very basic and the only plus point about it is how simple it is to use.


Power project is just as user friendly - it has better printability, you can create fully logically linked programmes, produce as built programmes as you go, progress and reschedule programmes easily and is a whole lot better than MS Project all round.

In addition you also have all the options of assigning labour to programmes and creating labour graphs, assigning costs and producing cash flows etc etc..

It is a Very Professional tool that produces professional results! Cant fault it!!