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Project Manager, PRP Architects, Project Services., Design and Build Projects, Refurbishment.

START Date: 
November, 2007

New Build Development Agreement, Hackney, London - Project value £5.7m

Employers Agent, New Build Development, mixed use, retail, office and residential development project. Through a collaborative team approach and at the request of the client the start on site date was brought forward.   

New Build S106 Development, Hackney, London - Project value £4.7m

Employers Agent, New Build Development, 22 unit development achieving Code level 4 for sustainable homes and ensuring that the development agreement is adhered to by assessing project drawings designs and contractors proposals and ensuring the contractor is adhering to all statutory obligations, building control requirement and planning conditions. The role also included carrying out valuations, assessing and instructing variations, and assessment of final account.

JCT Design & Build, Refurbishmentof a social housing development, Tower Hamlets, London - Project value £11m

Project managed a complex residential refurbishment contract which included the construction of new 5 story staircases and lifts, while the building was in occupation. Works also included new roofs, windows refurbishment of the communal heating system, concrete and brick work repairs, the demolition of a single story build, soil contamination remediation works and landscaping to a very high standard of work. I successfully implemented an effective change management control system which captures the impact of change and provides an approval process for projects sponsors and effectively manages project costs.

Refurbishment of a housing estate, Tower Hamlets, London –Project value £3m

Employers Agent JCT 2005 Design & Build contract applying and overseeing strategic refurbishment, planning and management to 184 residential homes. This project successfully came in under budget and was to the client’s satisfaction.

Refurbishment Grade II listed Pilot flat, Hackney, Tower Hamlets Project value £50K

A politically sensitive project which ensured that all stakeholder’s requirements were fully met the pilot flat was fully refurbished, and this required sensitive stakeholder management with English Heritage, Conservation office and the Planning department. Project was on time on budget and to client satisfaction.

Other roles and responsibilities include the development and preparation of the employer requirements, specification, tender documentation and tender reports. Prepare project reports, keeping client and teams informed of project status and related issues, ensuring health and safety regulation are upheld by the contractor on all projects. Developed comprehensive risk management plans which analysed both threats and opportunities. Participated in bid documentation providing the team with technical project information. Motivating training and mentoring members of the team in a collaborative leaning approach to projects.

Market Place

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