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Primavera Scheduler Support

Technical Support, "Primavera Systems, Inc.", Representative

START Date: 
October, 1997
END Date: 
December, 2005

October 97 – December 05

Primavera Systems inc

Technical Support Representative

Part of the Technical Support Team and in later years assisted the Sales and Consulting teams in various roles.

Engineering Planner / Scheduler Specialist, Washington State Department of Transportation, WSDOT HQ Schedule Support

START Date: 
October, 1979
END Date: 
August, 2011

Primavera Scheduler Specialist: Provide state-wide training and support for Primavera P6 Shceduler.

10 year of experience as a project manager on different type of capital improvements projects

20 years of desing expereince on transporation projects

22 years expereince on construction and cadastral survey

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