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identifying risks

Project Controls Manager & Project Coordinator, PWC, Local hidroelectric company in Ecuador

START Date: 
November, 2015

Coordinator of a consulting project for a contract risk assessment of a important power company in Ecuador

Project Controls Manager & Project Coordinator, PWC, Local hidroelectric company in Ecuador

START Date: 
November, 2015
END Date: 
February, 2016

Coordinator of a consulting project for a contract risk assessment of a important power company in Ecuador

Lead Planner, Alstom, Drax Biomass project

START Date: 
March, 2001
END Date: 
December, 2013

2001 to date  Alstom Power - Lead Planner for a number of years working on UK and overseas projects. From design & supply projects to major ’Turnkey’ Projects for the build of new gas and oil fired stations to Biomass co-firing projects and Capacity increase Projects. Experience of planning with coal power station projects.  Specific projects are Arnot Power Station Capacity Increase project (Euros 36.233M) in South Africa, Drax Power Station Biomass co-firing project (£48.28M).

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