Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project
Documents control
Posted Wed, 2013-10-09 04:04 by Kevin Ling
- Review Draft Contracts, Drawings and Specifications for New Works Tenders
- New Works Planning and Programming and setting Project Milestones
- Planning of Site Layout
- Site Representative of the Employer
- Coordinate Design Issues with Project Managers
- Administer Direct Contractors' Contracts
- Coordinate Site Issues with Direct Contractors
- Document Control
- Progress and Quality Monitoring
- Assessment of Direct Contractors' EOT Claims
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- Skills & Expertise:
Posted Fri, 2013-07-05 12:11 by yuvaraj g
December, 2009
- Monitoring the progress of the project as per the project plan and taking corrective action whenever required
- Coordinating with engineering and procurement to review the scope of the job in terms of deliverables, finalizing the schedules to be met, resources required, and supporting in terms of required co ordination with the respective teams to ensure execution as per defined parameters
- Preparation of schedules and citing key milestones and activities
- Complete resource planning including labor & non labor (Machinery) as per project scope
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- Skills & Expertise:
Market Place
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Acquia Marina