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Apprentice Heating Engineer , Family Owned, (various projects)

START Date: 
January, 1994
END Date: 
January, 1997

Apprentice Heating Engineer(1994-1997, Award East of England Apprentice of the Year ’96)

Four years as Apprentice Mechanical Engineering.

Design and Installation of Industrial and Domestic HVAC Systems

Apprentice Heating Engineer , Family Owned, (various projects)

START Date: 
January, 1994
END Date: 
January, 1997

Apprentice Heating Engineer(1994-1997, Award East of England Apprentice of the Year ’96)

Four years as Apprentice Mechanical Engineering.

Design and Installation of Industrial and Domestic HVAC Systems

UK & Canada Project Risk & Opportunity Manager, Subsea 7, All Projects & Tenders

START Date: 
January, 2012
END Date: 
December, 2012

Additional role due to exceptional performance in first four months
Line Management responsibility for four staff
Introduce, design & run new apprentice risk analyst program
Raise profile of PROM internally
Raise Client perception of PROM competence
Produce and embed local WIs to compliment global procedures
Assist Global PROM Manager in setting processes, procedures & standards 

Mentor Lead Risk Engineer to take over running of function

Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis): 

Market Place

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